At Treble Tutoring, our mission is to empower students to unlock their musical potential through personalized, accessible instruction that inspires creativity and fosters lifelong learning.
Collin Rey
Executive Director
Srimayi Desemsetti
Director of Operations
Tanya Parikh
Director of Programs
Rena Gorthi
Partnerships Coordinator
Kaden Su
Outreach Coordinator
Collin Rey
Srimayi Desemsetti
Tanya Parikh
Sua Moon
Flute Instructor
Sitara Vyapaka
Bass Clarinet Instructor
Kevin Zheng
Clarinet Instructor
Jenny Yue
Oboe Instructor
Augusto Catalano Lazzaro
Alto Saxophone Instructor
Cynthia Cui
Clarinet Instructor
Aditi Dhupkar
Percussion Instructor
Owen Cook
Alto Saxophone Instructor
Aadit Urhekar
Percussion Instructor
James Bae
Piano Instructor
Sidharth Nair
Bass Clarinet Instructor
Andreas Hoimes
French Horn Instructor
Soren Cornwell
Trumpet Instructor
Ruth George
Strings Instructor
Ahana Dhungel
Trombone Instructor
Chloe Li
Mallet Percussion
Laksh Chikkam
Euphonium Instructor
Madelyn Frederick
Bassoon Instructor
Lilian Tao
Drums Instructor
Junho Lee
Trumpet Instructor